The Children’s Continuing Care Team provides additional support to children with the highest level of complex medical needs within North West London, these are assessed in accordance with the Children and Young People's Continuing Care National Framework 2016.
If children and young people are eligible for continuing care, they receive an individualised care package, usually provided in the child’s own home.
Care packages may be delivered at any time throughout the 24 hour day.
Aim of the team:
- provide personalised care packages to individual children based upon an assessed clinical care need
- support discharge from hospital of children with complex medical needs
- establish and maintain clear channels of communication with families at all times
- ensure that packages of care are delivered by professionals who have received specific training and preparation for their work with individual children
- regularly review care packages to ensure that they continue to meet the clinical needs of the child
- work collaboratively with Children's Social Care to provide a holistic approach to supporting families and children in need of support
What the service provides:
- This service provides specialist nursing care for children and young people aged 0-18 who have complex health needs arising from disability, accident or illness that cannot be met by existing universal or specialist health services.
- This includes behavioural, emotional, mental health or physical disabilities or a rapidly deteriorating condition, which requires a care package to support end of life care.
- The team works with staff from other organisations, such as social services and education, to look after children and young people with very complex, technology-dependent nursing needs and enable them to have an improved quality of life. Care can be provided at home, in a residential school or placement or hospice.
Transition of children into adulthood
There are different arrangements for continuing care for people aged under 18.
Some young people, who are eligible for children's continuing healthcare, may also become eligible for continuing healthcare for adults. However, the young person would need to have a new assessment for adult continuing healthcare. This is part of transition planning. Any person who is eligible for children's continuing healthcare should be referred for an assessment for services when they are an adult, once they become 16 years old. This provides time for an assessment to be completed and for any discussions about the care the CCG will offer, before their 18th birthday.
What to do if you have concerns around the current care package being provided or you feel that that the care package is not meeting your child’s needs?
In the first instance, please contact your named case manager who is responsible for monitoring your child’s care package. If you are not aware who is your child’s case manager, please contact the children’s continuing care team on email:
If you have been in contact with your case manager and continue to have concerns about your child’s current care package please contact the complaints team on o contact the complaints team:
In writing: Complaints Manager, NHS North West London, 15 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JD
Telephone: 020 3350 4567 (This is an automated service. Please leave a message requesting a call back).
Further information
Link to Children and Young People's Continuing Care National Framework 2016
Useful links
Together for Short Lives - helping to support seriously ill children