NW London Imaging Network

The North West London Imaging Network formed in 2017. We came together around a shared vision to improve diagnostic imaging services for our staff and patients. This was underpinned by digital transformation and a shared procurement to provide sharing of images and reporting across North West London. The digital solution builds on existing systems rather than replacing systems and is a model now being adopted in other networks. Our success has been built on the people in NW London who have come together around this shared vision.

The following six Trusts are part of our imaging network.

Core Trusts

Specialist Trusts


Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust (primary network south west London)


Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals (primary network south east London)


London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust



The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust



The NHS Long Term Plan and the national imaging Strategy published in 2019 followed by national GIRFT (Getting It Right First Time) radiology review describe imaging networks with a strategy for delivery. Subsequently the review of diagnostics chaired by Professor Sir Mike Richards published in October 2020 set out a vision for community diagnostic centres. Radiology networks are now part of the NNS structure to deliver high quality imaging services aligned with local system boundaries that deliver improved health outcomes, reduced health inequalities, consistency with existing clinical networks and value for money.

Our transformation team includes radiology service managers, clinical leads, PACS team leaders, trusts’ executives, primary care colleagues and lay members with a central team.

Improve diagnostic imaging services for our staff and patients in NW London.


If you would like to know more about NWL imaging network or to get involved please contact nhsnwl.nwlradiologynetwork@nhs.net

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