Infection Prevention and Control

Role and Function of the ICS IPC Team  

  • The IPC Team across NW London provides a strategic function working in collaboration with health and social care providers in both public and private sectors.

  • Our role is for system oversight of governance, progress against IPC related ambitions, thresholds and alignment with the NHS agenda.

  • Patient safety and reducing inequalities in health across the system is a key objective.

IPC Team Composition

The Director of Infection Prevention and Control (DIPC) role sits within the portfolio of the chief nursing officer for North west London, Jennifer Roye. The team consists of a Deputy DIPC, Head of IPC and two IPC Nurse Practitioners.

Georgina Terry is a nurse by background and has worked in the acute sector as a senior staff nurse. She then specialised in Public Health and Infection Prevention and Control, and has since worked as an IPC nurse for acute settings, and then the ICB. She has worked within North West London throughout her career and is very happy to continue to support the wider NWL community and services.

Natalie has worked in health and social care for over 20 years and specialised in infection prevention for 15 of these. She has worked in Sussex, Berkshire, Birmingham and London carrying out varying IPC roles with North West London for the past 7 years. Alongside this role, she has a clinical role working with a local authority supporting social care.

Roxanne is the Head of Infection Prevention and Control. She is a nurse by background and has worked in the NHS for many years with more than 25 years within the speciality of Infection Prevention and Control. Roxanne’s experience is vast and varied covering both Acute, working in large complex organisations across London and Community settings. Roxanne has a keen interest in Education, IPC management arrangements, the environment and C.difficile.

IPC dates for your diary

IPC days 2024-2025:

IPC Social Care Conference 28 November 2024, 2 - 4pm

World Hand Hygiene Day

5 May 2025

World Sepsis Day

13 September 2025

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