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Click here to view presentations from the SPIN Fellowship event on 29 November 2024.

The national team are really keen to get some PCNs involved in testing the Primary Care Staff Survey. The time commitment will not be onerous and will not be required immediately. It is a really good opportunity to influence the design of this survey which will become a national survey instrument for all of primary care. For more information here is the link to the document.

Please reply to Jonathan Sampson  /  Sarah Bowes if you know of any PCNs who would like to be involved.  ​​​​

Please see an opportunity for registered nurses to attend cancer in the community training from January onwards. The deadline for sending in expressions of interest has been extended to 31 December 2021 and this is a real opportunity to work alongside other registered nurses across London. This is primarily aimed at out of hospital nursing staff in primary and community care

The 4-day programme will be conducted virtually and will cover screening and early diagnosis, treatment toxicity and acute oncological emergencies as well as living beyond cancer and personalised care. The course content has been carefully tailored to meet the needs of community nurses who we recognise will be seeing this group of patients for many different reasons and at different stages in their cancer journey. Nurses in the pilot came away feeling more confident in recognising the needs of, and better able to support this group of patients. Nurses will have the opportunity to apply for academic credits through a work-based learning process.

Cancer in the Community Programme

Expression of Interest Form

This webinar was organised by the Primary Care Workforce team. The panel comprised of the stakeholders currently part of the NW London Paramedic Pilot (paramedics, paramedic supervisors, London Ambulance Trust, NHS England)

Click here to watch the webinar

On behalf of Health Education England

Click here to view the London Workforce Race Equality Strategy in Primary Care

For the first time ever, we’re looking into the extent of discrimination and racism in London’s primary care workforce.

Through recent local surveys, it is clear we face many challenging issues within Primary Care around equality, diversity and inclusion. This work is part of The Regional London Primary Care in Workforce Race Strategy and we want to ensure staff in primary care benefit from this strategy and that we are able to target support where needed.

Please help us identify where and what the issues are and how we can tackle this.

If you haven’t done so, please answer a few quick questions here right now:

You don’t need to give your name. It will only take a few minutes and we will use the feedback to create practical ways to tackle discrimination, bullying and harassment.

The Social Prescribing Innovators Programme aims to support Social Prescribing services and individual Social Prescribing Link Workers across London to mitigate challenges they face in delivering social prescribing in primary care by testing and sharing innovative ways of working. It gives people and teams on the ground funding, training and support to innovate a solution to a common challenge to social prescribing. 
To be awarded a place on the programme, applicants are required to fill in an online application which will be discussed by a board of decision makers. 
The online application will be here when it launches.

There is a slide pack containing information for applicants on how to apply, what makes a good project and the wider strategy of the project (attachment 1 and attachment 2).

Health Education England have announced dates for those wishing to become First Contact Practitioner (FCP)/Advanced Practice (AP) Roadmap Supervisors. The training is over 2 days and in order to qualify, you are required to attend and complete both days. 

Click here to find out more 

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