Managing PERT Shortages: Imported Creon® Alternative – Pangrol®

31 January 2025

Please remember to try and order UK Creon® in the first instance, stock is released from the manufacturer to wholesalers three times a month.

If patients are due to run out in the next 10 days and there is no licensed UK Creon® available, consider ordering Pangrol® and getting a new prescription to ensure full costs are covered.

Pangrol® is an alternative unlicensed brand to Creon®. It is a direct equivalent in strength. Pangrol® has been approved by NHS North West London for use.

Pack sizes:

  • 10,000 - 200 (2 X 100 packs banded together)
  • 25,000 – 200 (2 X 100 packs banded together)

What does the prescription need to say?

An FP10 paper prescription should be used detailing:

  • Name of medication including strength and formulation: Imported Pangrol® capsules 10,000/ 25,000* (delete as appropriate)
  • Special Order
  • Dosage instructions for patient
  • Quantity (note Pangrol® comes in 200 capsule packs)

When dispensing please print and include the relevant Patient Information Leaflet (PIL):

Endorsing the Prescription (as a non-Drug Tariff Part VIIIB special)

Refer to How should I endorse a special, unlicensed or imported drug?

Make sure any Pangrol® scripts are endorsed with the following information:

  • Amount dispensed over pack size (e.g. 50/200) used;
  • Invoice price per pack size from which the order was supplied less any discount or rebate, include delivery cost where applicable.
  • Manufacturers’/importers’ (Target Healthcare) MHRA license number which is; MS43086/ WDA(H)43086
  • Batch number of the product supplied;
  • The letters ‘SP’ to indicate it is a special.

How to order imported Pangrol® ​​​​​​stock?

NW London ICB have been working with our local hospitals and community pharmacies to put systems in place to help patients access Creon® during the ongoing shortage.

NW London pharmacies are able to access centralised stock of Pangrol® ordered from the Oxford Pharmacy Store (OPS). This stock has been underwritten allowing a bulk purchase to be placed to provide a shorter lead time for delivery (1-2 days).

The OPS should only be used when licensed stock is not available from a wholesaler and patient has 10 days or less stock left.

Pharmacies will be able to order Pangrol® from the OPS if they have an account set up with them. Existing customers should continue to place orders as usual.

  • For new customers, register for a new account or complete and return the completed OPS New Customer Verification Form to set up an account with Oxford Pharmacy Store.
  • Please note the following important details for returning the New Customer Verification Forms to OPS:
    • Ensure the Customer Details and Customer Verification sections are completed.
    • Include the Supply of Unlicensed Medicinal Confirmation Form.
    • OPS cannot accept typed name signatures; please ensure the documents have either an electronic or a wet signature.
    • Return the signed forms along with a Purchase Order (PO) to
    • Without these forms and a PO, they will be unable to set up your account. 

Ordering imported stock from OPS

Please send orders to or accessible using the online order form Oxford Pharmacy Store: Order Information

When stock arrives, ensure it is kept separate from the ‘normal’ UK Creon® ordered from regular wholesalers.

When using stock ordered from OPS – remember that any scripts you use this stock to fill need to say either ‘XXX IMPORTED’ in drug line (EPS) or ‘Special order’ (handwritten) as per the MSN: Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT)

Make sure to claim all costs associated with ordering this stock when you dispense it.    

Patient facing communications from NW London ICB explaining the issue and solution are available here: Information for Patients
Acknowledgement: Community Pharmacy Hampshire and Isle of Wight

last updated 30/1/2025

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