Integrated Medicines Optimisation Committee
The North West London Integrated Medicines Optimisation Committee (IMOC) functions as the clinical leadership body, ensuring robust delivery and clear accountability for medicines optimisation across North West London, in partnership with:
NHS North West London Integrated Commissioning Board (ICB)
North West London Primary Care Networks (PCNs)
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Londonwide Local Medical Committees
Community Pharmacy KCW - Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster
Middlesex Group Of Local Pharmaceutical Committees - Brent, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham, Harrow, Hillingdon, and Hounslow
For further details, please refer to the IMOC Terms of Reference.