We would like to say thank you to everyone who took part. Attendees had a range of comments on the proposed new model of care.
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Key highlights
- Attendees welcomed the introduction of the news services into Hammersmith and Fulham including hospice at home, extended hours of the adult specialist palliative care team and the 24/7 telephone advice line for known and unknown people. Explanation was sought on where the staffing would come for the new hospice at home service.
- Concerns about data accuracy and the population size were raised. There was concern the model of care paper lacked modelling data with feedback that this is us not being transparent and it should have been included as part of main doc (please note modelling work has been published on website including hospice in patient demand and population growth).
- Ongoing feedback that this work was happening in silo and not ambitious enough and doesn't have the right governance or leadership for real change to happen where there is real integration. For example, single points of access for end of life services at local level.
- Concerns raised about the idealistic nature of the proposed model and the need for a realist approach. Highlighted challenges in recruiting and retaining staff, especially in social care. Emphasised the importance of considering real-life inequalities and stresses in the population when planning healthcare services. The discussion also mentioned the challenges of implementing the proposed model, with scepticism about its feasibility.
- How do we plan to address workforce issues and is the model of care too aspirational on this front and not rooted in the reality of local and national picture?
- The need for addressing location and equalities in the model of care was emphasised. Need to understand the locations of enhanced end-of-life beds and if this is care homes who will be paying and how do we plan to address the challenges that the care home system has.
- How can we ensure there really is good 24-hour care for people at home, need closer working with social care on this given national care crisis?
- The model of care inequalities section is weak and doesn't say how it's considered gender, age, people living alone, poverty