
Website: What is a podiatrist (rcpod.org.uk)

What does a Podiatrist do?

A Podiatrist’s primary aim is to improve the mobility, independence and quality of life for their patients. Imagine how amazing that feels!

Podiatrists specialise in the foot, ankle and leg, leading the patient care through the whole journey including prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Where does a Podiatrist work?

Podiatrists work in a variety of places and can work in a variety of settings including:

  • Community settings
  • Acute settings
  • Private practice
  • Private sector organisations

How to become a Podiatrist?

Work experience

If you are interested in a career in podiatry and want to try some work experience in podiatry you can contact your local NHS Trust, voluntary or private organisations and they may be able to facilitate experience for you.

University route

University courses to study dietetics are either:

  • Undergraduate - takes around 3-4s full time to complete depending on the university chosen
  • Postgraduate- takes around 2 years full time to complete depending on the university chosen

You can find a full list of universities offering Podiatry courses here: The Royal College of Podiatry (rcpod.org.uk)

Apprenticeship route

If you are based in England, Podiatry has begun to develop degree-level apprenticeships in Podiatry in which apprentices can work and study at the same time- the apprentice will spend approximately 80% of time in paid work and 20% in the learning environment.

The apprenticeships are being provided through an employer organisation, such as the NHS or social care-you will need to find an organisation who is employing a podiatry apprentice.  You are not currently able to apply directly to universities for a Podiatry apprenticeship.

You can find out more about Podiatry apprenticeships here: The Royal College of Podiatry (rcpod.org.uk)

How to become a Podiatry Assistant/Support Worker?

Podiatry assistant/support worker positions are advertised locally through recruiting organisations-you will need to look at your local organisations vacancies in order to become an assistant/support worker, you could call them or look at their website. You can find out more about podiatry support workers here Podiatry assistant | Health Careers

Some Podiatry assistants are Foot Health practitioners. You can find out how to become a Foot health Practitioner here  What is a Foot Health Practitioner? - The Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists | College of Foot Health The Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (iocp.org.uk)


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