Leadership and facilitation courses

Our health equity leadership and facilitation courses and resources focus on open conversations with those communities and cohorts who are experiencing inequalities, and working with stakeholders, staff and communities to co-create ideas about potential solutions to specific problems identified.These courses and resources will help you to build confidence, leadership and facilitation approaches into your project work. 

They will provide a foundation-level understanding of:

  • best practice examples of how to lead and facilitate meaningful conversations
  • skills and tools to support active listening and communication

As well as the courses and resources on this page, there is a variety of additional leadership and facilitation training courses and materials provided by the North West London Learning and Development Programme.

Find more leadership and facilitation courses and resources on the North West London Learning and Development Programme website .  

You can also email the Learning and Development Team at nhsnwl.learningdevelopment@nhs.net 

The NHS Leadership Academy has a curriculum of programmes, resources and activities bring world-class learning and development to NHS people and partners. 

Find out more on the NHS Leadership Academy website

Provider - North West London Learning and Development Programme

Cost - Free

Description - There are many characteristics of effective leaders, and good leaders will possess qualities specific to their environment. Many people accept that there are universal qualities such as integrity, enthusiasm and warmth, which are all needed. This course will help you identify the qualities needed to ensure you develop into an effective leader in the workplace and beyond.

Who this is for - All existing and new starter ICS colleagues who would like to develop their knowledge and skills in leadership approaches.   

Find out more and register on the North West London Learning and Development Programme website


Provider - NHS Leadership Academy

Cost - Costs vary depending on the programme. See website for details.

Description - These programmes are designed to help everyone in the NHS discover their full leadership potential and achieve the highest standards in health and care. Programmes include:   

  • Edward Jenner programme for those who want to get ready for their first leadership or management role
  • Mary Seacole programme for those in their first eadership role and want to develop their skills and knowledge
  • Rosalind Franklin programme for mid-level leaders aspiring to lead large and complex programme
  • Elizabeth Garrett Anderson programme r middle to senior leaders
  • Nye Bevan programme for senior leaders who want to move into a board role

Who this is for - All existing and new starter ICS colleagues who would like to develop their knowledge and skills in leadership approaches.

When - Various dates throughout 2024

Find out more and register on the NHS Leadership Academy website.   

Provider - NHS Leadership Academy

Cost - Free

Description - A programme for people working in health and care, who want to improve the way they collaborate across organisational and professional boundaries to design and deliver better health outcomes. 

Who this is for - All existing and new starter ICS colleagues who work and collaborate with multiple partners in a variety of settings. 

When - Various dates thoughout 2024. 

Find out more and register on the NHS Leadership Academy website. 


Provider - NHS Leadership Academy

Cost - Free

Description - This site hosts a range of short learning solutions designed by experts for the development of NHS staff of all levels to work though at their own pace. The content of many of these learning materials is taken from elements of the NHS Leadership Academy core programmes and is designed using the feedback and contributions of our learners. 

Who this is for - All existing and new starter ICS colleagues - includes ICB, borough, PCN and VCS staff.  

Find out more and access the resourcse on the NHS Leadership Academy website.  

Provider - NHS Leadership Academy

Cost - Free

Description - This library of ‘inspiration’ learning materials includes short snippets of learning such videos, articles and podcasts. Some highlights include "Cultural comptency", "How can we make inclusive and compassionate leadership a reality?", "Critical conversations" and "Developing Strategic Networks". 

Who this is for - All existing and new starter ICS colleagues who would like to develop their knowledge and skills in leadership approaches.   

Find out more and access the resources on the NHS Leadership Academy website

Provider - NHS Leadership Academy

Description - The Stepping Up programme is a leadership development programme for black, Asian and minority ethnic colleagues who work within healthcare (the NHS or an organisation providing NHS care). It aims to create greater levels of sustainable inclusion within the NHS by addressing the social, organisational and psychological barriers restricting colleagues from minority backgrounds from progressing. The programme is designed to bridge the gap between where applicants are and where they need to be, to progress into more senior roles. Successful applicants will be empowered to drive forward the inclusion agenda and develop their skills and abilities in order to grow and progress. 

Who this is for - The Stepping Up programme is aimed at black, asian and minority ethnic (BAME) leaders and aspiring BAME leaders across  healthcare settings.    

Find out more on the NHS Leadership Academy website

Provider - NHS Leadership Academy

Description - This programme aims to help senior leaders from minority ethnic backgrounds realise their potential. Underlying this programme is a core belief that it is the wider system that needs to radically change if inclusion is to be lived, felt and sustained. Leaders from minority backgrounds therefore require the time and investment to develop the leadership capabilities that will enable them to work powerfully and collaboratively across these obstacles so that greater levels of inclusion will result. This endeavour will only succeed if it works in tandem with our wider work on inclusion, which challenges power imbalances and supports the wider system to make the changes necessary to make room for, and embrace a more diverse talent pipeline.

Who this is for - The Ready Now programme is aimed at black, asian and minority ethnic leaders and aspiring leaders from nitority backgrounds across healthcare settings.     

Find out more and register your interest on the NHS Leadership Academy website

Provider - The Kings Fund

Description - A number of leadership development courses area available to support clinical leadership skills, personal and team leadership, system leadership and organisational development.

Who this is for - Training courses available for all staff cohorts - see website for further details, including costs. 

When - Courses start at various dates throughout 2024. 

Find out more and register on The King's Fund website

Provider - North West London Learning and Development Programme

Cost - Free

Description - In this module you will explore what leadership is, how to become an effective leader, the focus required to make the role a success as well as the concept of servant leadership and the importance of asking for help. 

Who this is for - Team leaders and managers primarily, but also of interest to those with decision-making and/or line management responsibilities. 

Find out more and access the course on the North West London Learning and Development Programme website

Provider - North West London Learning and Development Programme

Cost - Free

Description - Leaders are required to motivate their teams and individuals. But what factors affect their motivation? How can leaders deal with those factors that have a negative influence on motivation?

Who this is for - Team leaders and managers primarily, but also of interest to those with decision-making and/or line management responsibilities.

Find out more and access the course on the North West London Learning and Development Programme website

Provider - NHS Leadership Academy

Cost - Free

Description - #ProjectM is a place and space for health and care team leaders and managers to connect, share and learn together. Here you will find inspirational snippets of learning, opportunities to connect with other healthcare leaders, schedules for tweet chats and much more. #ProjectM content is led by you, for you and is designed through your feedback and contributions.

Who this is for - Team leaders and managers

Find out more and register for #ProjectM on the NHS Leadership Academy website

Provider - Department for Health and Social Care

Cost - Free

Description - A 2022 review completed by General Sir Gordon Messenger and Dame Linda Pollard into the state of leadership and management in the health and care sector. Contains introduction and context, findings and recommendations and implementation approach. 

Who this is for - Managers and strategic leaders

Read the report on the Department for Health and Social Care website

Provider - The King's Fund

Cost - Free

Description - A large selection of articles, blogs, opinoin pieces and other publications relating to leadership including, "How to build effective teams in general practice", "Developing collective leadership for health care", "Stories from social care leadership" and "The role of culture and leadership in joined-up care". 

Who this is for - The publications in the Insight and Analysis Library are relevant for staff from all health and care services, from junior roles to senior leaders. 

Access The King's Fund Insight and Analysis Library

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