- Identify and address inequalities in access, experience and outcomes through working with partners. Framed around the Core20Plus5 approach
- Specific focus on hypertension, given current and increasing prevalence, priority within Borough strategies and bad outcomes experienced by some groups. We will improve early detection and close the gap in monitoring
- Working with each of the ICB programmes to understand where there are inequalities gaps using data and support work to close these.
- Developing a Core20Plus5 dashboard to track progress
- A key barrier to reducing inequalities is a high level of mistrust of public services within communities and amongst particular ethnicities, driven by structural racism
- The Race Steering Group provides the ICS with a strategic platform to put the structural racism conversation and priority setting at the forefront of decision making. This work programme will:
- Through research, understand ethnic differences in prevalence of disease, access, experience and outcomes of services
- Identify key recommendations to address current barriers and lead on facilitating the change when required
- Ensure that the system has plans in place that are impactful in reducing disparities in health outcomes between groups, with a key priority area being cancer.
- This is a way the NHS, local governments, voluntary organisations, and communities can work together to deliver healthcare earlier and a joined up way to groups of residents at greatest risk of poor health outcomes.
- Information held by the NHS and local government is combined to find out which residents are experiencing poor access to health and care support. Health and care staff work together with those residents to co-design and try out better places, better times, and better offers of care.
- Our commitment is to challenge any discrimination in the way health and care services are delivered now, and to improve equity of health access, experience, and outcome.
- Our ambition is to make it easier and quicker for care to reach the people who need it most, so that fewer of those people are left to rely on emergency or reactive care.
- Our population health management approach in North West London is delivered through the Focus-on methodology and the population health management workstream builds capacity and capability across the system to successfully implement this approach.
- Everyone should be able to stay independent and in charge of their health as much as possible. Easy access to culturally relevant local advice and practical support can make a big difference in staying well, and speeding up recovery from illness.
- Healthy behaviours in pregnancy and childhood can improve health outcomes in later life.
- Residents in North West London experiencing low income, social exclusion, and racial discrimination have higher risks of preventable illness and premature death from obesity, from smoking tobacco, and from vaccine-preventable infections.
- Our commitment is to support north west London residents make informed choices and changes in their environment and lifestyle that can reduce the risk of illness to themselves and their families. Our ambition is to prevent ill health in higher risk communities, so that more residents stay healthy and independent longer.
- Supporting the third sector to be an effective partner, with representation at ICB, ICP, BBP and neighbourhood level to enable engagement in strategic planning and support to deliver on Anchor ambitions
- Promoting volunteering as a key part of the workforce as well as recognising and promoting the role volunteering plays in the health and wellbeing of both volunteers and those receiving support from volunteers
- We are supporting inclusive access to volunteering: including SEND; refugees and asylum seekers; areas of high deprivation.
- Volunteer to Career initiatives and Back to Health to support discharge and patients on the waiting list.
- Impact will be monitored through usage of third sector partners in strategy development and delivery. Increased numbers of volunteers, reflecting the population they serve. Impact of volunteering on health utilisation.
- Developing partners as Anchor institutions, taking into account inequalities and wider determinants of health:
- Reducing unemployment: building skills and providing local employment opportunities in health and social care to people from our most disadvantaged communities
- Increasing local procurement, building in social value
- Embedding an inequalities approach to the NWL sustainability and green agenda, including connecting data on air quality and health exacerbations
- A joint approach to improving housing conditions
- Increasing digital skills within our more deprived communities, creating a pilot digital repository to signpost staff, family, friends to a range of digital inclusion initiatives.