NHS North West London is committed to promoting equality and diversity amongst all our staff, stakeholders and patients - fulfilling our obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and the associated guidance from the Equalities and Human Rights Commission.
Equality means ensuring that everyone is able to participate in all of our activities and access all health services on an equal footing. Diversity acknowledges that there are differences between people which should be recognised and respected.
EDI plays a significant role in our procurement processes. For example, at the forefront of the process, Equality, Health-inequality Impact Assessments (EHIAs) are required for all services. Furthermore, EDI questions are designed and evaluated as a key aspect of the decision making about bidders.
During 2022/23, the following EHIAs were carried out:
- NW London Translation and Interpreting Service
- Application to change Primary Care Network (PCN) by a GP practice
- GP Practice Alternate Saturday or Sunday Health Inequalities Clinic
- Extended One Hour One Day a Week GP Clinic (outside working hours)
- Online Consultation
- 111 London wide virtual call centre
- GP NW London Access Specification
- APMS Procurement – Great Chapel Street Medical Centre – Specialist Homeless Practice
- Options appraisal for closure of Kingsway Practice
- End WL Spokes and start extended access DES
- London Ambulance Service
- PCN re-alignment of Civic Medical Practice
- Estates (efficiency savings)
- Primary Care Prescribing
- Non-NHS Contract Efficiency Savings
- Hillingdon Falls and Frailty Service
- Oral Nutritional Supplement Medicines Management Prescribing
- GP Access PCN
- Integrated Re-ablement Service
- Ring Pessary service EHIA
- Getting it right first time (GIRFT) and Quality EHIA
- Discharge support service
- Clinical prioritisation and harm review
- Gastro IGDS
- NWL Training Hub Grant
- WSEC Learning Disability Strategy
- NW London Children and Young People Mental Health Service
- Relocation of physiotherapy service
- NW London Primary Care Access Standard
- PCN Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) Service
- Wound Care enhanced service
- Palliative Community Care
- Hypertension Diagnosis
- GP Direct change in catchment boundary
- Brent Integrated Frailty and complex care
- PCN realignment of Civic Med Practice
- Harrow Stroke Recovery Service
- Westbourne Grove Medical Centre
- Stay Steady Champions
The EHIA Panel
Where formal consultation is planned or full EHIAs are required, these are reviewed by a panel including an Assistant Director for Equalities, Population Health Management, Director of Nursing and the EDI Lead.
Click here for more of how we tackle inequality across the NWL population through the Equalities and Population Health Management team and programs of work.
NW London ICS has established a system level Inclusion Board with a membership that is representative of all system partners including the ICB. Further information on the Inclusion Board strategy, priorities and governance structures can be found at this link.
We have agreed our Equality Objectives for ICB Workforce 2023-2026 as follows:
- To increase access to professional development and well-being support for our people from ethnic minority, disability or caring responsibilities, LGBTQ backgrounds and women, at all levels of the organisation.
- Our people from ethnic minority, disability or caring responsibilities, LGBTQ backgrounds and women feel they are treated with value and respect as demonstrated by values based attitudes, actions and behaviours.
- For our leadership composition to closely reflect the overall workforce or population ethnicity of North West London at every level of the organisation; and routinely demonstrate their understanding of, and commitment to, equality and health inequalities
- To ensure a tailored training and development programme for all staff, which supports the organisation to achieve its aspirations related to equality, diversity and inclusion.
A supporting integrated EDI Action plan was created with input from the Human Resources (HR) and Organisational Development (OD) team. The Action plan can be found here.
Governance and Leadership
The ICS Chief Exec Officer holds Executive Sponsorship for Equality
A designated EDI Lead, leads on strategic planning, implementation and equality compliance for the ICB
EDI Steering Group
The EDI Steering Group was reinstated in 2022 and its terms of reference refreshed with the following aims and objectives:
- Support the delivery of the ICB’s work on equality diversity and inclusion
- Oversee and monitor the delivery of the EDI aspects of the OD strategy (currently under development)
- Provide equality, diversity and inclusion expertise and advice on workforce related issues
- Review plans, provide advice and recommendations for improvement and effectiveness with regards to workforce EDI
- Review operational policies and procedures from the EDI perspective
- Input into and monitor progress of staff consultation and engagement where proposed changes may significantly impact workforce
- Promote the development of an inclusive organisational culture
- Review progress against the implementation of national and regional NHS mandates related to EDI
Reporting into the organisation’s People and Organisational Development Committee, the EDI Steering Group supports the NHS NW London with its commitment to integrate equality, diversity and inclusion throughout its functions; it also supports the delivery of the NHS NW London ambition of achieving a diverse and representative workforce at all levels of the organisation. The Steering Group links with the NW London Inclusion Board and any aims and objectives set by the Board, in keeping with the rest of the ICS.
NW London ICB staff networks
During 2022/23, staff networks and support groups were active and provided a platform for staff to support, express and voice a range of experiences. Information and feedback from these network groups progress through the governance process with the aim of influencing ICB policies, procedures and day-to-day functions with regards to workforce. The networks have a recurring financial resource allocation to support their activity.
We increased the number of staff networks during 2022 and 2023 to include a Disability, Long Term Conditions and Staff with caring responsibilities Network. The network is titled the DiverseAbility Staff Network; and a Women’s Staff Network.
Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Network
This Network celebrated its 5th anniversary in 2023 and has been very active in raising the profile of equality, diversity and inclusion through advocacy, championing and close working with HR and other internal stakeholders since its inception. It has provided support and a safe space for its members to raise and discuss any issues of concern. The chairs are members of the ICB EDI Steering Group and are a voice of influence with regards to the EDI program, the shaping of organisational policy, operational matters linked to EDI.
This Network coordinated BME representatives on interview panels and hosted a number of well-being and personal development seminars for staff and lead on Black History Month programs.
A new co-chair was appointed in 2022 following a period after the previous co-chair stepped down due to a secondment opportunity.
LGBT+ Network
The Network has been in existed for several years and is currently lead by a single Network Chair. They are members of the EDI Steering Group and are involved in raising awareness off issues concerning LGBT+ staff members and work closely with the communications team on Pride Month programs.
DiverseAbility Network
The Network was established during 2022 and is led by two co-chairs. It has gathered a significant membership since its inception, who’s views are well represented by co-chairs at the EDI Steering Group. The Network has begun work with HR to progress WDES reporting and moving the organisation to Disability Confident status.
Women’s Network
This network was launched in 2023 with a large number of staff joining the group. The network has already demonstrated impact by refreshing the menopause policy for the organisation and is developing its action plan.
Plans for 2023/24
- Support all networks to develop to higher levels of maturity and impact
- Prepare guidance for managers on supporting staff appointed as EDI/Freedom to Speak up roles in the organisation
- Prepare guidance for line managers and staff on reasonable adjustments for disabilities
- Finalise a Staff Networks policy.