NHS North West London Primary Care Commissioning and Contracting Group (PCCCG)

The NHS North West London Primary Care Commissioning and Contracting Group (PCCCG) role is to oversee the development of primary care in all eight boroughs of north west London and to ensure national requirements are delivered. The PCCCG is established as a group of the North West London Integrated Care Board.

Please note that the NHS North West London PCCCG replaces the seven borough-based primary care exeutive groups. You can find archive meetings here.

Meetings are being held virtually and minutes of the meetings will be published with the following meetings papers.

Meeting times and dates

You can find the meeting papers (including agenda), the joining link (where applicable) and the meeting recordings (where applicable) here.

Meeting links will be published on the page at the same time as the agenda and other papers.

Members of public - attending meetings

These meetings are not public meetings, but a meeting in public. Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe the meeting.

Meetings are currently held virtually. You are very welcome to attend the meetings which are held using Microsoft Teams (MS Teams).  Members of the public are asked to keep their cameras off and remain on mute during the meeting.  

Members of public - asking questions

We recognise that some members of the public may want to ask questions at this meeting, and we would like to accommodate this.

As meeting papers will be published one week in advance, we would ask that all questions from members of the public are submitted 48 hours ahead of the meeting. To submit a question please email: nhsnwl.localservices@nhs.net

We would ask that questions focus on the substantive agenda items for discussion, and that questions are kept short and to the point where possible.

Terms of reference

The PCCCG Terms of Reference will be published here following their formal adoption at the first meeting. The proposed Terms of Reference are included in the meeting papers for the first meeting due to take place on 23 January 2025.

The PCCCG meeting is not a public meeting, but a meeting in public. Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe the meeting, to be held virtually using Microsoft Teams (MS Teams).  

Other ways of working with us

Asking questions  is just one way of speaking with us.  There are many other routes and we welcome feedback and input from residents.  A brief summary is below and more information can be found on our Get Involved and contact pages.

Get Involved

  • Engagement: We meaningfully involve as many of residents and populations, including those furthest from decision making or who have felt poorly served by public services in the past, in shaping their health and care services.  Our teams are always out and about across our boroughs.  Follow us on social media and see our get involved page for some of our upcoming opportunities to hear from you.
  • Citizen Panel: Our Citizens' Panel is a large, representative group of local residents, which helps to assess public opinions and to identify local priorities and to consult with residents, patients and service users in specific issues.  We have nearly 4000 members across NW London and always welcome new people.
  • Co-Design Advisory Body (DAB): Made up of representatives of local community groups, voluntary groups and watchdogs, DAB will help to advise us on how we work with our residents and communities across North West London.
  • Campaign group meeting - There are a number of local campaign groups who we meet with on a quarterly basis so that they can raise issues of concern directly with us.

Contact us

  • Questions: Members of the public are free to submit questions to NHS North West London in writing at any time by emailing  nhsnwl.communications.nwl@nhs.net  
  • Complaints: Anyone can raise concerns or make a complaint. You can complain about NHS services or treatment you receive or you can complain on behalf of another person. nhsnwl.complaints@nhs.net
  • Freedom of information: Anyone is entitled to request information held by a public body, including from the NHS. nhsnwl.foi@nhs.net

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